How to Be an Effective Buddy Coach

Dr John Kenworthy
7 min readJun 19, 2020

Coaching a colleague, a team member or anyone you know well is a challenging situation. For example, a manager usually conducts the performance review for their staff focusing on their performance in the job and team which may lead to a recommendation about salary or promotions. A coach is focussed on developing the person in their job and life but does not normally, recommend salary or promotions.

As a friend, you would be interested in the other persons well-being and their feelings. You might not push them hard or challenge them in fear of breaking the relationship. As a coach, you may be pushing your client hard, challenging them deeply to improve their performance.

How to Be An Effective Buddy Coach

By far the best way to find a great accountability partner is to be one for each…



Dr John Kenworthy

Behavioural Neuroscientist and Expert Leadership Coach so that You can have Joy@Work and Your Team has Purposeful Unity of Collaboration and Trust