Wise leaders know to fix these three things before expecting trust and collaboration in their team.

Dr John Kenworthy
6 min readApr 27, 2021

Wise leaders know to fix these three things before expecting trust and collaboration in their team.


Purpose: Trust has flat-lined in recent months, thanks largely to the lack of physical interaction. Plus the small detail that this pandemic has massively damaged the global economy threatening jobs and business survival. And without trust, there’s no chance of collaboration (in spite of all the wonderful tools to support it) even though we need to do so now more than ever if we are to rebuild our businesses, the economy and lives. In this edition, we’ll consider why our brains have decided not to trust others and what leaders can do to rebuild the essential foundations that make trust, and hence collaboration, truly possible. In the next edition, we’ll build on these foundations and learn how to leverage the four collaboration styles in the team. In the third of this series, we’ll be asking if your technical excellence is holding you back.

Payoff: By understanding what is happening in the brain, leaders can deliberately rebuild the essential foundations of safety, belonging and mattering that every human being craves unconsciously before they are able to trust others and begin the needed…



Dr John Kenworthy

Behavioural Neuroscientist and Expert Leadership Coach so that You can have Joy@Work and Your Team has Purposeful Unity of Collaboration and Trust